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TechNet Radio: (Part 4) Building a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 – Configuring Storage Fabric in Virtual Machine Manager

In Part 4 of their Building a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 SP1, Keith Mayer and Yung Chou show us how to configure the storage fabric in Virtual Machine Manager. Tune in as they walk us through the process of adding different types of storage into our fabric such as file server storage (SMB 3.0) and block storage (iSCSI, Fiber Channel , or SAS).

  • [1:45] Recap: What is a Private Cloud?
  • [5:42] Recap: Setting up the Private Cloud Foundation
  • [7:03] Recap: System Center 2012 SP1 VMM Overview
  • [7:57] Let’s Talk about Storage. What are some of the challenges that IT Pros face today regarding file storage?
  • [13:29] How do I Configure the Storage Fabric in Virtual Machine Manager?
  • [16:41] DEMO: Adding File Server Storage (SMB 3.0)
  • [24:29] DEMO: Adding Block Storage (iSCSI, FC, SAS)


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