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1 min read

6 Steps to Get Ready for Private Cloud

Like I said in a recent post, you’re probably already running the basic foundation for a private cloud. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t work to do. IT Pros looking to delve into private cloud computing this year, should prepare with these 6 steps:

  • Improve data quality in your identity infrastructure – audit existing users and groups to ensure your ad store is running only accurate data
  • Enable Federated identity – self-explanatory, but it’s a big part of bridging the gap between public and private clouds
  • Enable all the building blocks of a private cloud – that includes Windows Server 2008 R2 with Hyper-V, an optimized Active Directory store and System Center (notably Configuration Manager and Virtual Machine Manager).
  • Standardize and automate your processes and workflows – to take the best advantage of a private cloud infrastructure, you’ll need to build standardized server, platform and application packages and templates. That’s only possible if you’ve done your homework and standardized the processes and workflows that those software packages will support.
  • Think about how the IT Pro role needs to change – the cloud enables huge efficiencies in the data center. Be a hero today as you enable the cloud, but work to become a Director tomorrow. Combine a deep knowledge of your business’ needs, future directions and work processes with your expertise in technology. Use this combination and the power of the cloud to not just enable IT for your business, but to actually turn IT into a competitive edge the business can directly convert into new business and revenue. That’s the big win for tomorrow’s cloud IT pro.
  • Last, take advantage of Microsoft guidance – We’ll be releasing lots of guidance, both technical and higher-level, regarding the journey to cloud computing in the coming months. Check the Microsoft cloud pages, TechNet’s cloud resources and especially the Hyper-V Cloud Fast Track pages for in-depth technical guidance. There’s much more to come, so check back often.

Oliver Rist