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1 min read

Your new IT Pro Advocate, brought to you by the 2008 Launch Wave

Hello folks,

My name is Justin Graham. My sole lot in life is to make sure IT Professionals have what they need to get a head start on Windows Server 2008. I have no other purpose really, my team is not in the Super Bowl, I work 5.4*10^12 hours per week, and I eat ramen still. The good part of this is I’m developing some exciting things for the IT Pro Community for the Launch.

First, Visit this website, perhaps multiple times a day, to find the latest information on localized training events held in your area. This is our effort to bring the content to YOU. If there is no local launch event in your area listed on, then find one here.

Second, webcasts, ooooo webcasts. Starting today (January 21st for those who worked the weekend and don’t know what day it is, or even where you are) we are delivering webcasts on key technologies in Windows  Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, and Visual Studio. These are being delivered via TechNet Webcasts so head over there ( and check out what we have to offer. I’ll be posting more as we add sessions to the schedule.

Pleased to meet you all, if you have feedback, email


– Justin