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1 min read

From SC’05

Over 9,000 people showed up to Seattle for SC’05.  That’s up from 8,000 in Pittsburgh last year. BillG’s keynote showed how HPC is going to expand beyond historical supercomputing centers. Here’s a datasheet on one of his demos on cancer research. The demo included a live Infiniband connection back to Intel’s Dupont facility in the south part of the state, and integration with job schedulers from Platform and a Dell cluster running Linux. The datasheet has it all. The transcipt will be posted by end of day.

Besides the van motoring around downtown Seattle showing projecting HPC video on building walls, the other funny item I saw relative to SC’05 was this blog posting. Wow, if that’s true (and it’s not), tomorrow’s blog posting should be really good … and late in the day.
