TNWiki Article Spotlight – ASP.NET Core Blazor Master/Detail CRUD with Filtering and Sorting using EF and Web API

It's September and the first Tuesday of the month. Time flies, but we don't want to miss highlighting great TNWiki articles. Welcome to this weeks TNWiki Article Spotlight.

Blazor is one of the trending topics in the tech community. It's an experimental .NET web framework using C# and HTML and is being actively developed by Microsoft. The most fascinating thing about Blazor is we can use C#, which is a server-side language and it’s going to be executed on the browser.

There has been a lot of great articles about Blazor being published to TNWiki community as well as in other personal blogs. SYEDSHANU has written a number of TNWikis about Blazor and for this weeks TNWiki Article Spotlight we are going to highlight one of his TNWikis on Blazor. This article has won the Gold medal in TechNet Guru Awards - July 2018 under ASP.NET Category.

In this article, SYEDSHANU has given step by step explanations on creating your own ASP.NET Core Blazor Web Application with provides CRUD (CREATE, Read, Update and Delete) operations for Master and Detail Grid using Entity Framework Core and Web API. Even if you are new to Blazor, you are not left alone, every step is described with images and code snippets, you should definitely be able to follow along.

I know I still haven't given the link to the article, here you go,
ASP.NET Core Blazor Master/Detail CRUD with Filtering and Sorting using EF and Web API

Happy Coding!

- Sri Lankan Wiki Ninja Jaliya (BlogMSDN ProfileTwitter)