TNWiki Article Spotlight – Secure your .NETCore web applications using IdentityServer 4

Dear All,

Welcome to TechNet Wiki Tuesday – TNWiki Article Spotlight.

Today in this blog post we are going to discuss about Secure your .NET Core web applications using IdentityServer 4 by HansamaliGamage.

Identity Server is a open source framework for securing web applications and APIs using Open ID connect & OAuth 2.Identity Server 4 is updated and redesigned for ASP.NET Core and .NET Core. Identity Server supports mobile, web, SPAs and desktop applications .Identity server 4 application is a self-managed component. It's specifically designed for ASP.NET Core 1.1, Authorization server with Identity server couldn't manage as a self-compiled application when working with ASP.NET and MVC, since ASP.NET framework and MVC is tightly coupled.

I love this article as this article has detail explanations with demo source program for

  • Demo : Create Token Server
  • Demo : Create Client application - Web application
  • Demo : Extend Token Server to implement authentication logic
  • Demo : Create Client application - Service/API application

This article explains how to secure a ASP.NET Core web application using Identity Server 4.If you are working on ASP.NET Core application and looking for how to secure your web application , looking for sample on IdentityServer then this is article is for you ,You can read more from this article Secure your .NET Core web applications using IdentityServer 4 by HansamaliGamage.

PS: Today’s banners come from Prashanth Jayaram!


See you all soon in another blog post.

Thank you all.


Syed Shanu
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