TNWiki Article Spotlight – Azure key vault essentials for beginners

Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

Security is a topic most developers don't like, especially when it comes to store secrets in a database or elsewhere. There are several vendors in the market who have solutions for trusted stores, key encryption, etc. Some time ago a similar service was introduced in Azure, called Key Vault. Key Vault lets you create, import or delete keys and to manage access to the keys. Azure key vault essentials for beginners by Bhushan Gawale gives a nice introduction to this service. This article starts with the basics, followed by a demonstration of Key Vault and ends with some comments about the logging mechanisms.

If you plan to centralize your existing trusted store or introduce one for your cloud infrastructure and applications, Key Vault is definitely worth a look.

– German Ninja Jan (TwitterBlogProfile)