TNWiki Article Spotlight - IoT Suite Under The Hood - Predictive Maintenance

Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

IoT has been around the news for a while now. In Germany we even have our own term for it ("Industrie 4.0"). Especially predictive maintenance is a common use case. Predictive maintenance tries to get the time in the future where a part can fail, for example a part of a robot in an industry plant. With Azure Microsoft offers some components which are very useful in IoT solutions. We have Stream Analytics, we have an Event Hub and we have Azure ML ... and we also have the IoT Hub. Putting them together takes some time and patience. What if you want a complete solution which has most of it already put together? That is the point where the Azure IoT Suite appears on the stage. The Azure IoT Suite contains pre-packaged solutions for common scenarios. Currently these solutions are for remote monitoring, that means monitoring multiple devices in several remote locations, and ... predictive maintenance. This solutions has a lot under the covers, such as WebJobs and Azure ML and it comes with a nice web interface. But going through it and trying to modify the solution can be hard. Luckily Peter a.k.a XAML guy wrote an article which explains the predictive maintenance solution. He shows the different components and what role they play and how you can create the solution. He also explains a little bit how the solution can be modified.

If you want to get your feet a little bit wet and don't have the time to built a complete solution yourself Azure IoT Suite is a good starting point. To get started with the predictive maintenance part of it you should definitely check out this article.

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Blog, Profile)