TNWiki Article Spotlight - Automatically create AD users with Azure Automation and OMS

Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

Automation is an important part of the day to day work of administrators and developers. Some time ago we pointed out an article which shows how to start and stop VMs in Azure via Azure Automation. This is not the only thing you can do with Azure Automation. Imagine a situation where you have to create dozens of users in an Active Directory. You can do this by hand if you want, but can Azure Automation help at this point? Sure, it can. Daniel Örneling wrote an article to demonstrate how to automatically create AD users with Azure Automation and OMS. He starts with explaining the use case and why it is important. Then he goes directly into the demonstration. Step by step and with a lot of images showing what to do he goes through all the steps necessary to create an AD account with Azure Automation.

If you like Azure and you want to automate annoying tasks, this article shows you the power of Azure Automation.

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Blog, Profile)