TNWiki Article Spotlight - Sentiment Analysis API with Azure Machine Learning

Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

Are you happy? What are your current feelings? Two questions, many possible answers. It is hard to get the current mood of a person in a face-to-face conversation right. It is much harder to get it right in a written conversation. Now imagine you have to do this the whole day for thousands of messages. At that point you should get familiar with sentiment analysis. It tries to detect the mood or feelings of a person in a written message. Months ago Azure released a machine learning platform which many company already have used today, but most companies are not aware that there is also a data market where you can get additional functionality. One of the products in the data market is the Text Analytics API. But how can you use this API?
Chervine wrote an article in which he creates a scenario of a product review platform. This platform tries to use sentiment analysis to determine the mood of a review. Sentiment Analysis API with Azure Machine Learning starts at the beginning by answering questions such as "What is sentiment analysis?" and "How can I get it on Azure?". Next he tries to set the expectations for the sample application and its architecture. With a lot of code it is shown how to use the API and build the fundamental parts of the application. And if that is not enough, a second scenario, a chat application, is also shortly introduced.

If you want to get a feeling for real world applications using Azure Machine Learning or the Azure Data Market, this one is for you!

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Blog, Profile)