TNWiki Article Spotlight - Create and Deploy ASP.NET WEBAPI to Azure and Manage using Azure API Management

Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

API Management has become a major part of the Azure platform after several services have been bundled. Especially when you are working with ASP.NET Web API or when you are trying to make the APIs of your company consistent Azure API Management is a service you should care about. But how do you get started? Luckily, Gaurav Kumar Arora has written an article to help you with your first steps. Create and Deploy ASP.NET Web API to Azure and Manage using Azure API Management walks you through the first steps in creating an API based on the ASP.NET platform and managing this API in Azure API Management. The article starts with defining a Web API holding server data, from defining your model, the creation of the controller and what responses should be returned. Next he shows how deploy this API to an Azure Web App. The last piece of the puzzle is the integration of Azure API Management. Creating the service, adding your Web API, managing several aspects of the API and creating a developer portal are just a few of the points covered in this article.

If you want to get started quickly and have a working application, this article gets you started!

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Blog, Profile)