Please Translate My TechNet Wiki Article!!!

Pretty please???

Guess what! People were thinking, "You know, we should have a place where someone could ask to get their article translated into another language. Then it would be sweet if those translators could take a look and help out."


Wouldn't that be cool? So, I guess I could go in and add every single article in those lists (that isn't yet translated), but we'll probably just start with the basic articles about the Wiki that need to be translated into those languages. Then we'll see what happens.


Well XAML guy responded to that need and created this article:

Please Translate My TechNet Wiki Article


So if you're looking to help translate some articles (usually from English) into your language, please head to the article (Please Translate My TechNet Wiki Article) and look at the requests! If you translate that article, please move it to the Archive section that shows which articles were translated already (when requested).


And that's about it! So please join me in thanking XAML guy and all the translators out there!

Here are your questions:

  1. Do you plan on using this article? How?
  2. Did you add any articles to this list? Which ones?
  3. Are there any languages there that are missing? Go ahead and add it if you're a translator or want something translated into that language! Then reply here with what you added and why!


Thank you everyone! Jump on in! The Wiki is Warm.

   - Ninja Ed