Create Universal Application with Windows Phone App Studio.

In this article we will see how to develop a Universal App with Windows Phone App Studio.

 But what do we mean when we speak of Universal App?

The Universal App outputs update Visual Studio 2 2013, giving the possibility of developing an application for Windows 8.1 and for Windows Phone 8.1 under a single solution, but especially strong from that both use the same technology framework (Windows Runtime) with which it is possible to run an easy code sharing between the two applications and facilitates much the creation of graphical user interface , styles and much more, but more importantly allows you to save a lot of time at creation time and reducing development time and cost said.

For those wishing to explore this new technology I leave here the link to the official documentation. 

After this brief introduction come to us, we will see all the steps needed to create a complete and functional application.


An introduction on what is Windows Phone App Studio.


Windows Phone App Studio is a tool designed and developed by Microsoft that allows you to create applications for the Windows platform and Windows Phone to those who never took an approach with the world development, for those unfamiliar with Visual Studio, and he never got to develop an application.

Easy to learn and easy to use, in just four steps led you will create a complete application in all its parts, one part well made and attractive graphics with the ability to test it later on a device Windows Phone and Windows 8.1, and even after the download a solution that you can edit with Visual Studio 2013 and possibly make changes if you feel appropriate.

Remember that you can also create applications for Windows Phone 8, while Windows Phone 7 is not longer supported.

But now we start to build our application, Below, for those interested, I leave the link to the article where Wiki is explained step by step how to create an application of type Univerasl App

Good reading and good development at all :)