TNWiki Article Spotlight - Power BI Portal

Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

During the last years Business Intelligence has made a big shift. In the past we used SQL Server Reporting Services a lot to bring data and analyses to the management level. This behavior changed with the release of PowerPivot several years ago. Back in 2011, during a big Business Intelligence project, I heard the term Self-service BI and Power BI for the first time. This movement and its tools are focused on the people who are consuming the data. The tool of choice is Excel, which integrates more and more possibilities to work with data in an interactive way. These are reasons enough to cover the main entry point for Power BI in our wiki - The Power BI Portal. Created by Ed just a few weeks ago it already contains several resources about Power BI, such as general learning resources or videos.

Happy Power-ing!

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Blog, Profile)