TNWiki Article Spotlight - Perform Basic Admin Operations using CSOM in SharePoint Online

Hi everybody, welcome to our TNWiki Article Spotlight.

Today I want to highlight the article named Perform Basic Admin Operations using CSOM in SharePoint Online, written by Geetanjali Arora.

This article wag recently published on the Wiki and is a good "how to start" with CSOM.


CSOM is the acronym of "Client Side Object Model" and is a way to code client applications targeted to Office 365 (SharePoint Online).

Forget the Server Object Model in this case, and prepare to use new objects! (SPSite becomes Site, SPUser becomes User, etc...). You have also to think a little bit differently for your code: work with a ClientContext, load every object you want to use, ...

I recently "discovered" the use of CSOM for a personal project dedicated to SharePoint Online (more info here), and I found some interesting articles on the Wiki.

One of them is the article I choose to highlight in this post: Perform Basic Admin Operations using CSOM in SharePoint Online.

Article Content

Here are the TOC entries

This is a good start if you are interested by Office 365 and one of his best friend: CSOM!

Benoît, the French Wiki Ninja