Council Spotlight - What are the Wiki Ninjas blog post themes?

Wondering why we blog similar stuff on the same days of the week? Because we have blog post themes!


Monday: Community Interview – We pick one person on TechNet Wiki, write about their Wiki achievements (and also about their other achievements), and we interview them! You'll also see a few video interviews in this series



Tuesday: Article Spotlight - We pick an article (or series of articles) on TechNet Wiki and write about the value of it.



Wednesday: Wiki Life – We write about a tool, feature, practice, or process on TechNet Wiki. Topics could be about navigating, editing, authoring, linking, languages, profile tools, the Translation Widget, or where the Wiki is mentioned in the world (like on other sites).



ThursdayCouncil Spotlight – On Thursdays, we write about the projects that our Community Council is currently working on... The Featured Article Teams, Wiki Feature Requests and Bug Fixes, expanding Portals or Cross-Linking, the TechNet Guru contest (which connects the Forums and Wiki), the Wiki Ninja Belt Ranks, Governance and Guidelines, etc. Either someone who is on the council will post on what they're doing, or one of our authors will take a more journalistic approach, documenting the progress that they observe... or an opinion-style post where they brainstorm on what they think is possible.



Friday: International Spotlight – This is a digest of International Wiki news, community wins, profiles, articles, and/or top contributors in the International space. We want to focus on Non-English spotlights, since the other days focus more on English.



Saturday: Top Contributors of the Week – We will feature a list that highlights the top contributors each week. Join us as the community earns their Wiki Ninja awards!



Sunday: Surprise! Anything related to TechNet Wiki! We won’t always have a post on Sundays, but this allows us to have some flexibility.



As Needed: Wiki Ninja News – When there are any Wiki-related events, promotions, or any other news. For example, TechNet Guru winners.


TechNet Guru - We post about the TechNet Guru contest, including listing the winners, giving updates, and featuring each winning article.



Community Win – We write about an example or success story of how the community came together to do something great with TechNet Wiki. This can be published on Tuesdays (as an Article Spotlight) or on Sunday Surprise. 



Social Synergy - This is a subcategory for Wiki Life Wednesdays. We focus on using TechNet Wiki in a collaborative way with other social tools... TechNet/MSDN Gallery, TechNet/MSDN Forums, TechNet/MSDN Blogs, CodePlex, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.



Thank you for reading our blog posts!

   - Ninja Ed