TNWiki Article Spotlight - Articles on BizTalk Pipeline Components

Namaste All and welcome to Tuesday Article Spotlight !!!!

Today's spotlight is on the articles written around BizTalk custom pipeline components.

Before submitting the messages to BizTalk MessageBox, some pre-processing is required also post-processing and for that pipeline is used. Most of the time default pipelines are sufficient but there are many scenarios where there is demand to build a custom pipeline to achieve it.

You can certainly build on your own, but have you checked the TNWiki article - BizTalk: List of custom pipeline component. This article has list of components developed by community members for the community.

If you find something which serves your purpose then use it , also if you have developed something and want to share then please do it.


There are also some great articles which shows how to develop custom components and how to use it:



  -- BizTalk Wiki Ninja Mahesh