TNWiki Article Spotlight - Getting Started with the Windows Azure HDInsight Emulator

Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

Two weeks ago we talked about how you can get started with Microsoft's Hadoop implementation for Windows Azure, Windows Azure HDInsight. Today I want to take the next step. From time to time I have a look at the Microsoft Web Platform Installer to see if I missed something cool I can play around with. Since the GA of Windows Azure HDInsight Services there were a lot of things to install. My personal favorite is the Windows Azure HDInsight Emulator. As I played around with HDInsight I had to submit jobs via PowerShell or via code to my HDInsight cluster and I thought wouldn't it be cool to have a small cluster running on my PC without setting up a Hyper-V VM and going through the whole installation process, which isn't fun actually. Here the HDInsight Emulator jumps in. Similar to the Windows Azure emulators we are using for years now this one helps you to develop your jobs locally. But what is usually the problem if you want to get started with something new? Right, finding a good introduction that helps to get started. A site which prevents that you have to find all things out on your own, which can be really time-consuming.

Today's spotlight, as the last time, comes from Brad Severtson and answers to the name "Getting Started with the Windows Azure HDInsight Emulator". It shows you how you can run normal MapReduce jobs, but also shows how you can run Pig and Hive jobs. So, enjoy!

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Blog, Profile)