TNWiki Article Spotlight - BizTalk Integration Development Architecture

  "The architecture is a method to greatly simplify development, deployment and management, it is a method to be more productive and create more reliable solutions." - A statement in the article.

This article talks about the fundamentals  which should be considered during the various phases of BizTalk development and Integration. The focus of the article is on the basics of BizTalk Development, with instructions on very minute level accompanied by self explanatory images and lots of example . Which off-course came out of the experience. 

"Managing during Development helps Managing after Deployment"

Below is the screen shot of the article: BizTalk Integration Development Architecture

This article has been written by Leonid Ganeline.

With 10+ years BizTalk Server experience Leonid is working as a BizTalk Developer, Architect, and System Integrator. 

He got awards: The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional [MVP] Awards 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 in BizTalk Server; The Microsoft MVP Award
2013 in Microsoft Integration. 

Leo is a Moderator of the BizTalk Server General forum on the Microsoft MSDN site, and author of the Microsoft TechNet articles.


 Thanks Leonid for sharing with the BizTalk community . We need more such articles !!!

 -- BizTalk Wiki Ninja Mahesh