Interview with a Wiki Ninja: Asil Mutlu

Welcome to the Monday Interview with a Wiki Ninja! Today's Wiki Ninja is...

Asil Mutlu Profile


Who are you, where are you, and what do you do? What are your specialty technologies?

Hi, my name is Asil Mutlu. I live in Istanbul for the last two years. I worked for a couple of companies in Izmir before.  I work as a system engineer in an information technologies company where I develop projects concerning “System Center”, “Business Continuity” and “High Availability Solutions”.

Merhaba ismim Asil Mutlu. 2 yildan beri Istanbulda hayatimi devam ettirmekteyim. Bundan önce Izmirde bir çok bilisim sirketinde çesitli konumlarda çalistim. Suanda  Bilgi Teknolojileri sirketinde Sistem Yöneticisi olarak çalismaktayim. Günümüz teknolojosinde System Center Aile si, Is Sürekliligi adina  High Availability çözümleri üzerine gelistirmeler ve projeler yapmaktayim.


What are your big projects right now?

I have developed a system in which the servers and clients hosted in 4 branches of a private auditing company are managed centrally using the System Center Configuration Manager 2012. These 4 branches were physically apart from each other. I have also used the Data Protection Manager in order to protect and keep backups of the production system. I was also responsible for the integration tasks on the project.

En önemli projelerimden ilki Özel Bir Denetim Sirketinde 4 farkli lokasyonda bulunan subelerde çalisan sunucularin ve clientlarin System Center Configuration Manager 2012 ürünü ile merkezi yünetiminin saglanmasi ve Data Protection Manager 2012 ürünü Sunucularin saglik bir sekilde yedeklenmesi ve koruma altina alinmasini saglayan altyapi ve entegrasyonunun gerçeklestirilmesi.


Besides your work on TechNet Wiki, where do you contribute?

I write articles and share my insights on,, and on my personal blog, ve kisisel blogumda bilgilerimi, testlerimi ve makalelerimi paylasiyorum.

What is TechNet Wiki for? Who is it for?

Technet Wiki is a library open to public and content coverage is growing day by day with the help of professionals sharing their knowledge from around the world.

What is it about TechNet Wiki that interests you?

People use various wiki sites in order to get information on a wide range of topics. This makes it easy to get information on the latest technologies and even on legacy ones. It is amusing to see some of the historical resources; which makes us understand the breakthrough we have made in the technology.

Hepimiz hayatimda çesitli Wiki Sitelari kullaniyoruz ve bir çok pratik bilgiye Wiki Sitelar üzerinden erisiyoruz. Suanda günümüz teknolojilerinden tutun, teknolojinin ilk gelisim gösterdigi yillara kadar bir çok veriye ve kaynaga ulasabiliyoruz. Bazen gülüyorum insanlar okadar ilkel bilgilerde varki ama bunlar sayesinde görebiliyoruz. Teknolojide ve yapabildiklerimizde nereden nereye gelmisiz.


What are your favourite Wiki articles you’ve contributed?

My favorite article is needed to learn "Failover Cluster" configuration and I wrote the article to share the knowledge I gained during that phase.

Yazdigim makalelerden favorim yasadigim bir deneyimden ötürü Failover Cluster yapilarinin yapilandirmasina ihtiyacim oldugundan ötürü hazirlamistim.

What are your top 5 favourite Wiki articles?


Who has impressed you in the Wiki community, and why?

I think it is mostly not the people around but the will inside that stimulates success. Though, everyone has friends around that are successful and determined. They are a big factor in one’s success. I do have such people around me and they make me work harder as well.

Kisilerin pekde bir faktörü yoktur aslinda, Bu içden gelmeli… Tabiki Herkezin hayatinda büyük rol alan kisiler vardir. Çevremde bulunan kisiler bu sektörde basarili ve azimli insanlar o yüzden basarmak ve iyi olmak zorunda hissettigimden çalisiyorum ve daha da çalisacagim.


What does success look like for TechNet Wiki?

Technet Wiki is widely used in the IT business. That adoption is a great success and in my opinion, Technet Wiki will become even more successful in the future.

Technet Wiki çok rabet görmesi ve bütün IT sektöründe çalisan herkez tarafindan bukadar rabet görmesi büyük bir basaridir ve böylede devam edicektir.


Thank you Asil, for the interview and for your great contributions to the Turkish community on TechNet Wiki!


Turkish Ninja Serhad


Twitter: @smakbuloglu