May T-SQL Guru - SQL Server PIVOT & Dynamic Pivot on Multiple Columns

We're continuing the Tuesday article spotlights with another May TechNet Guru winner!

Naomi N is our T-SQL TechNet Guru for May! See more about the Technology Guru TechNet Wiki for May contest.

Naomi N's avatar 

About Naomi: I am an IT professional with more than 15 years of experience in variety of programming languages and technologies. I am a Microsoft Community Award Recipient and Personality of the Year at forum in 2008,2009,2010,2011.


She had two winning articles. Here they are:


Here are all the May T-SQL winners: 

Transact-SQL Technical Guru - May 2013

Gold Award Winner


Naomi N Dynamic Pivot on Multiple Columns
  • "Great example of what we want on TechNet Wiki"

Gold Award Winner


Naomi N SQL Server PIVOT
  • "Clean, clear and well presented."
  • "I liked this more than the dynamic entry, based on the explanation and presentation."

Silver Award Winner


SQL Server resource re-balancing in Failover Cluster
  • "My favourite, based on the technical level."
  • "Perfect contribution, includes original forum link"

Bronze Award Winner


Naomi N T-SQL: Date-Related Queries
  • "Well described; includes original link."
  • "Great post; just what we need for the wiki."

A big thanks to Naomi. This was exactly what we'd hoped for, and Naomi swept the board. Naomi takes two gold medals, as both articles scored exactly the same, when all votes were added up! Also thanks to Andrew for another excellently crafted article, that ticked so many boxes.



And here's an excerpt from the Dynamic Pivot article:

The problem of transposing rows into columns is one of the most common problems discussed in Transact-SQL forum. Many times the problem of creating a dynamic pivot comes into the light. One thing that many people who ask this question forget is that such transposing is much easier to perform on the client side than on the server where we need to resort to dynamic query. However, if we want to make such pivot dynamically, the important thing to understand is that writing dynamic query is only slightly more difficult than writing static query. In fact, when I am presented with the problem of dynamic pivot, I first figure out how static query should look like. Then making such query dynamically becomes rather trivial task.


Read the rest here:

T-SQL: Dynamic Pivot on Multiple Columns


Thanks to Naomi for all your great contributions to the TechNet Guru contest! You can read about all the May winners here: TechNet Guru Awards - May 2013


Also, for the June Guru competition, see TechNet Guru June Roundup & Commentary.


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