Interview with a Wiki Ninja - Osman Shener: Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing MVP

Welcome to the Monday Interview with a Wiki Ninja! Today's Wiki Ninja is...

Osman Shener Profile


Who are you, where are you, and what do you do? What are your specialty technologies?

I live in Cambridge, UK and work for CSR (Cambridge Silicon Radio) as a Senior IS Engineer. My MVP expertise area is SPD&S (Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing). I do and support internal IS projects, support internal customers and our IS teams worldwide. Although I’m somewhat of a generalist, at the moment I work on MS System Centre family, Security/Network, Setup/Deployment and MS SQL products in majority.

Turkish : Cambridge – Ingiltere’de yasiyorum ve CSR (Cambridge Silicon Radio) firmasinda Kidemli Bilgi Sistemleri Mühendisi olarak calisiyorum. MVP ünvan alanim SPD&S (Software Packaging, Deployment & Servicing). Firma içi projeler yapmakta, diger projelere, iç müsterilere ve Dünya çapinda daginik olan diger bilgi sistemleri takimlarimiza destek vermekteyim. Bir çok teknoloji ve konuda bilgi ve deneyimim olmakla beraber, su anda agirlikli olarak MS System Centre family, Security/Network, Setup/Deployment ve MS SQL ürünleri ile daha çok calismaktayim.


What are your big projects right now?

Currently I am working on a setup and deployment project to implement an infrastructure for our global OS migration and deployment project. I use SCCM, MDT, DB, scripting and some other related technologies to create automated, customized and centrally managed deployment system that can be used globally and meet localization requirements of our remote offices as well.

I am studying ICT Degree at university and preparing content for Microsoft Virtual Academy. I am also planning to upgrade my MCITP certification to re-born MCSE.

Turkish : Su anda tüm firma genelinde kullanilacak olan global isletim sistemi yayma ve yükseltme projesi üzerine çalisiyorum. Projede SCCM, MDT, DB, kodlama ve diger konu ile ilgili teknolojileri kullanarak, kullanici müdahelesi gerektirmeyen, merkezi olarak yönetilebilen ve uzak ofislerdeki farkli dil ihtiyaçlarini karsilayacak bir sistem kurmaktayim.

Bilgi ve Iletisim Teknolojileri alaninda lisans egitimime devam etmekte, Microsoft Virtual Academy için içerik hazirlamakta ve MCITP sertifikasyonumu yeniden dogan MCSE’e yükseltmeyi planlamaktayim.


Besides your work on TechNet Wiki, where do you contribute?

I am one of the admins of, which can be the oldest and still popular mail-list based group in Turkey, mainly used to get help about Microsoft products and IT issues. Occasionally we organize free seminars for our members or events to meet and socialize. I am also moderating a few MS TechNet Forums in Turkish. I have a personal blog that I blog generally how-to’s when I experience a problem and can’t find the adequate or direct answer on the internet.

Turkish: adinda mail listesi tabanli bir kullanici toplulugunun yöneticilerinden biriyim, Türkiye’deki en eskilerden ve ayni zamanda halen popüler olan grup genelde Microsoft ürünleri ve genel bilisim teknolikileri alaninda yardim arayanlar tarafindan kullanilmakta. Zaman zaman üyelerimize ücretsiz seminerler düzenlemekte veya bulusmalar organize edilmektedir. Ayrica MS Tehnet forumlarinda bir kaç forumun moderatörlügünüde yapmaktayim. Kisisel blogumda ise genelde tatmin edici cevap bulamadigim sorunlarla ilgili nasil yapilir yazilari yazmaktayim.


What is TechNet Wiki for? Who is it for?

It’s a great and living technical resource for everybody, so anybody can join and help to make it bigger, better and more useful.

Turkish : TechNet Wiki herkesin kulanimina açik çok büyük ve yasayan bir kaynak; isteyen herkes katkida bulunabilir ve onun daha kapsamli ve faydali olmasina katki saglayabilir.


What do you do with TechNet Wiki, and how does that fit into the rest of your job?

It’s a great resource for me to look when I need, as articles go beyond the standard technical descriptions by reflecting knowledge and experiences of other users.

Turkish: Ihtiyacim oldugunda çok faydali bir kaynak sayarak basvurmaktayim, çünkü diger meslektaslarimin bilgi ve deneyimlerinide içerdiginden normal teknik dokumanlarin ötesinde kullanisli bir kaynak.


What is it about TechNet Wiki that interests you?

Wiki topics are like living organism so they enhance by time and provide more in-depth and practical information. I love to idea of seeing growing articles and being surprised when I re-visit an article.

Turkish: Wikiler canli organizmalar gibi, zamanla gelismekte, daha detayli ve ayni zamanda pratik bilgiler sunmakta. Bir yaziyi tekrar ziyaret ettigimde onun zamanla ne kadar degistigini ve gelistigini görüp sasirmak güzel.


What are your favourite Wiki articles you’ve contributed?

My favourite is the one about NetBootGUIDs, it provides very simple but not easily locatable and tested how-to information about cleaning pre-staging properties from computer objects. I have written it to solve specific deployment problems when WDS used to create computer accounts.

Turkish : Favorim NetBootGUID hakkinda olan diyebilirim, cok basit ancak kolay bulunamayan bir nasil yapilir bilgisi içermekte AD’de WDS tarafindan yaratilmis bilgisayar objelerinde bulunan bu degeri temizlemek icin, bununla ilgili bir sorun yasadigimda arastirmis ve yazmistim.


What are your top 5 favourite Wiki articles?

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Survival Guide

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Best Practices

SQL Server Performance Survival Guide

System Center 2012 Integration Guide - Operations Manager

Windows PowerShell Survival Guide


Who has impressed you in the Wiki community, and why?

Not someone, everyone in the Wiki impressed me! Knowledge grows when shared.

Turkish: Birisi degil, herkes etkiledi. Bilgi paylastikça çogalir.


What does success look like for TechNet Wiki?

Becoming one of the most respected and visited authoritative resource for technical contents will be the success.

Turkish: TecnNet Wiki’nin saygi gören ve çok basvurulan referans bir kaynak hale gelmesi basarisi olacaktir.


Thank you Osman, for the interview and for your great contributions to the Turkish community on TechNet Wiki!


Turkish Ninja Serhad


Twitter: @smakbuloglu