TNWiki Article Spotlight - Microsoft HDInsight (Big Data) Solution

Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

The last week has been an amazing week for Windows Azure fans. First we had the AzureConf on Tuesday and then on Saturday the Global Windows Azure Bootcamp has been an enormous success.
One of the great features of Windows Azure are the HDInsight Services, which are currently in preview. Additionally to Windows Azure HDInsight is also available for Windows. But what are the HDInsight Services? They are Microsofts answer to the current Big Data discussion. If you want to become familiar with it I have an article which I highly recommend - Microsoft HDInsight (Big Data) Solution.

Why I recommend this article? You will find a lot of information about Big Data, upcoming events, downloads, videos, etc. in it. All in all, anything you will need to get started. If you think something is missing in this article, just add it to it. Also, if you find other great articles about HDInsight let me know and leave a comment to this post.

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Blog, Profile)