Community Win: Further hints & tips for creating an awesome article

Hello and welcome everybody to our Thursday - Community Win.

Last week I have covered an article which shows you how you can post a wiki article announcement to a TechNet forum. Today I want to take a step back and introduce you to three articles from Peter Geelen which should help you to make your article nice looking. He already have posted some hints yesterday, but I want to discuss the following articles in more detail.

  1. Wiki template: Simple Structure Article
  2. Wiki template: TOC with Headings
  3. Wiki: Troubleshooting Color Issues in Your Wiki Articles

What is the deal with these articles? As I said before they will help you to create a nice layout of your article. That is a very important part of the creation of an article to satisfy your readers. In the past I have already talked about how you can create an article which gives you a good user experience.
The first article will give you a simple layout structure which you could (and should) use for your own articles. Do you have to use them? No, that is a question of personal preference. I have created a layout for my articles on my own, but the layout should be consistent.
The second one covers a topic which is normally underestimated. In my opinion every article which is longer than a normal screen height should have a TOC (and it helps when the article itself grows over the time). It helps the reader to see the content of an article with a short look and let him jump to the information he needs.
The third article helps with an issue I hadn't myself, but as a web and app developer I know how important colors are. An example: You have created your article and it is ready for publishing. You have used a perfect color design which looks very good in the editor. After publishing the colors suddenly look very different and in some cases ugly. In this article Peter explains the problem and how you can fix it.

Enough content for today? I think so! If you know some other problems aside from the color issue or if you know more articles which help to create a perfect article, let me know and leave a comment to this post.

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Blog, Profile)