Over 30,000 Comments on TechNet Wiki!!! (care to comment?)

Welcome to Weekend Surprise! And here's an announcement...

There are now 30,000+ comments on TechNet Wiki!

The current number is 31,865 comments! Why is this significant? Well, because comments usually aren't on Wikis. They bring us together in new ways! For more about the amazingness of comments on TechNet Wiki, see Wiki Life: Why are there comments on TechNet Wiki?

3,435 users have contributed 11,940 pages, 65,897 revisions, and 31,865 comments.

You can find the current stats any time here, on the right column: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/default.aspx


How have you found comments useful?

Remember to Wiki while you work! (Or after work.)

   - Ninja Ed