How to hide your articles like a TRUE NiNjA !!

Hi everyone !

Today I will show you somes easy steps to hide your wiki articles like a ninja’s can !

Thou shalt : Don’t link any articles from any social’s media like twitter. That just make more users come around your articles. It’s not like any major social’s media site got indexed for SEO ! Most of all, restreins yourselft from using the social’s media button that is built-in in the wiki !

Thou shalt : Just use picture, flash or video. Don’t ever think to write some texts ! For our pleasure a majority of users over the wiki didn’t found that step, thus they write some texts. The basic of SEO is to index the text (for keywords) ! So everyone’s else articles got listed before’s us !

Thou shalt : Use a title that means nothing ! That master skill is called from all sensai ‘Obfuscation’.  It’s like hidding a treasure on a island with a map that only you can understand what it mean to find it !

Thou shalt : Not talk the same subject from any blog or cross-link your articles ! The referal’s count for the url will make your article go up in the SEO !

Thou shalt : Don’t use the wiki RSS’s feed from any blog. Maybe a article’s edit would bring us some attentions to ours articles !

Thou shalt : Never get featured ! The technet wiki home page must be indexed at each 10 minutes or less. No way to hide from that !


Thats all ! This is my small list if you want to hide  ! :P

Enough joking, as everyone would guess. What is the goal to write some technical articles if nobody read it ?  Using the SEO methods can help you to propel an article into the sky !! Don’t fear using the SEO methods! Be sure to read my tips backwards. :)



- French Ninja Phil (Wiki, Profile)