Wiki Life: How to get articles nominated and featured on the home page of TechNet Wiki

Hello! Welcome to Wiki Life Wednesday!

Did you know that we feature articles on the front page of TechNet Wiki?

They're under the blue portal rectangles.

For example, we featured the Test Lab Guides a few weeks back:

Test Lab Guides

So how does it get featured?

Well, first it gets nominated. By who? By you!

You can nominate articles on this page:

TechNet Wiki Featured Article Nominees

Here are some qualities you should look for when nominating an article:

  1.  It's pretty awesome.
  2. It's in depth and incredibly useful.
  3. It has a lot of collaboration edits to show that the community has adopted it together.
  4. Or it has a lot of comments to show that the community has accepted it as valuable content.

Add your nominees in the Nominees section:

Then the editor of the week will select an article. When selecting an article, we typically look for a technology that hasn't been represented lately. For example, I featured a SQL Azure article. We haven't featured SQL Azure lately, and there were a few great ones nominated.

Check out the list of Past Featured articles here:

What technologies haven't been featured well enough?

Please leave a comment with the answer!

Jump on in! The Wiki is warm!

   - Ninja Ed