TNWiki Article Spotlight - The Social Operating System

Hello and welcome everybody to our TNWiki Article Spotlight on Tuesday.

How many of you already have installed Windows 8? As a Windows 8 trainer I'm a big fan of the new operating system. On events I always get the same question: What are the new and cool features in Windows 8? My answer normally is:

  • A new, good-looking UI
  • Integrated Hyper-V
  • Social integration...

... and as a developer I have to say: apps, apps, apps.

Ashish Mahajan started an article about Windows 8 a while ago: First Look at Screenshots and What's New in Windows 8 - The Social Operating System. In this comprehensive article he describes some of the new features in Windows 8 with a lot of screenshots.

So, if you always get the question: What is cool about Windows 8? Have a look at this article.

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Profile)