TNWiki Article Spotlight: A Passion To Collect

Hello everyone and welcome to the Article Spotlight series again!

The E-Book Gallery for Microsoft Technologies article is quite popular on the Technet Wiki, I still follow the changes made there.

Today I would like to feature a similarly neat article, full of nice tiles like this:

This page is a White Paper Gallery for SQL Server with a nice template at its bottom. It's full of links to SQL Server whitepapers in PDF and Word formats, and all of them are related to SQL Server 2012. As of today, these whitepapers are grouped into 7 different categories including Business Intelligence, AlwaysOn, Integration Services, and so on.

The White Paper Gallery for Microsoft Technologies points to this article, and that's a nice start to have a collection of collections as well!

As the article says, "feel free to fill in the gaps and add links to other content"!
