Wiki Life: What can you do with the wiki

A better question would be: What can't you do with the wiki?

Hello and welcome everybody to our Wednesday - Wiki Life post.

What are we going to do today? In the last weeks we have seen how to write your first article, how to translate your first article and that the TechNet Wiki now has more than 10,000 pages. Today the big question is: What can you do with the wiki?

Option #1: Find information

The first thing you could do with the wiki is to find information. Are you looking for a solution for a problem? Are you preparing a presentation? All these things can be done with the wiki. Start by looking at one of the portals and then search for the topic you're looking for. Another (simple) way is to use the search at the top of the main wiki page.

Option #2: Express yourself

Is this is a kind of rockstar thing? No, not really. It is more the way how you write wiki articles. You can write articles in a way of telling a story or in a pedestrian kind of style. Is one better than the other? No! Don't change your style of writing when creating an article. Just do it like you normally would. This will make it easier for you to write an article and for your readers to read it.

But what is the major thing you could do with the TechNet wiki?

Option #3: Help others

That is one reason that can drive you. You can write articles which will help others, but you can also write articles as summaries for yourself. Imagine just for a moment the following situation: You collect a lot of information about SQL Server 2008 in the year 2009. Now, in 2012, you are doing a lot of research for a comparison between SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2012, but you cannot remember all the information you have collected in 2009. Then it is time to get the article out of the darkness (and maybe you will find some articles from other people) and half of the job is done.

- German Ninja Jan (Twitter, Profile)