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Goodbye Microsoft Germany

If you follow my blog you might have noticed that I haven’t written anything for quite a while. The reason behind this is that I quitted my job at Microsoft Germany and am moving to Seattle next week. I’m currently sitting in between a gazillion of packing cases with a couple of movers swirling around. After deciding which part of my household will be air freight (Munich > Seattle: 8-10 days) and which part will be sea freight (Munich > Seattle: 10-12 weeks) I’m basically domed to do nothing (giving me the opportunity to blog :-) )! Not that I hadn’t offered my help -  I’m not allowed to pack anything for insurance reasons. Strange feeling to see ones life disappear in a couple of boxes ;-)

So what’s happening next? I’ll spend my last days in Munich (basically the next two) redecorating my apartment and trying to find a next tenant (not that I didn’t already had someone but it didn’t turned out). Additionally I’m handing over my last possessions and am saying goodbye to my friends and 220V devices ;-)

See you in Seattle :-) Cheers!
