Microsoft Application Virtualization: Sequencing Adobe CS3

J.C put up a handy post on the step by step configuration process for Adobe CS3...... you should know this one as it has been spoken about a few times.... see;


If you've ever tried to virtualize Adobe CS3 then I'm betting you ran into the issue below.  Fortunately there is a way to get this to work, it just takes a couple extra steps.  We have a Knowledge Base article coming out about this issue soon but here's the meat of it in case you're battling this today:



While attempting to sequence Adobe CS3 you may find that it fails with the following error:

"SystemGuard download failed (error code 53256)".

The sft-seq-log.txt also shows the following:

[08/01/2007 16:51:38 VRB VFSX] SxS: Starting SxS public-to-private assembly conversion.
[08/01/2007 16:51:38 ERR VFSX] SxSPrivateAssembly::LoadConfigFile : Load failed.
[08/01/2007 16:51:38 ERR VFSX] SxSPrivateAssembly::LoadConfigFile : Load failed.
[08/01/2007 16:51:40 WRN VFSX] SxSPE::parseUTF : Unsupported UTF format for file Q:\<WhateverMyPathIs>\FileInfo.dll (format # 3).
[08/01/2007 16:51:40 VRB RTSK] Failed to convert public SxS assemblies.
[08/01/2007 16:51:40 ERR RTSK] SystemGuard download failed (error code 53256).
[08/01/2007 16:51:40 ERR RTSK] SystemGuard download failed (error code 53256).


The issue is caused by incompatible file manifests for these two files:



To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

1. Install a third party PE Explorer/Editor application. We will use this to modify the Manifests for each problematic file.

2.. Open Sequencer, set the package Suite Name and Path.

3. Click Begin Monitoring.

4. Install Adobe CS3.

5. Before you click Stop Monitoring, launch the PE Explorer/Editor application you installed in step 1. Locate each instance of FileInfo.dll and VersionCueUI.dll.

6. Open FileInfo.dll within the PE Explorer/Editor application.

7. Choose to edit resources for the file. Navigate to where you can modify Manifest information for the file.

8. There you should find the incompatible data. Copy and paste the following example of valid information for the file Manifest:

<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.VC80.CRT"
version="8.0.50608.0" processorArchitecture="x86"

9. Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 for all instances of FileInfo.dll and VersionCueUI.dll.

10. Click Stop Monitoring, and choose the destination to download the virtual environment.


Once you complete the steps above you would continue to publish the app the same way you would any other virtual app and so long as everything else is setup correctly it should stream and run just fine. 

Hope this helps!

J.C. Hornbeck