SFT Explorer

Now I like cool toys and tools to play with and a lot seem to come from login consultants and Virtualapp which are great!

However again, this tool comes from Virtualapp.net , the tool essentially allows you to look inside your SFT packages without the requirements of bringing the application into the sequencer.... or having to open the application and roam around. This is not a Microsoft Tool and therefore has no support with the product, however I find this extremely useful to use and look into my packages incase I have potentially missed something out of the build or I have just debugged the SFT application with the sysinternal tools to find a missing reg key or other problem. Its also great for exporting files, folders, registry items...




By using SFT Explorer you can, it will show all that's inside your SFT package. Files, folders, virtual registry, virtual services ... all! And you can optionally export selected content out of the package, to examine files more closely or to migrate virtual registry settings to another package by importing exported reg-file.

With Virtualized System View™, you can even simulate how that package would look like on your local machine when run with SoftGrid SystemGuard environment up, enabling new type of troubleshooting possibilities when you can clearly see what is virtualized and in what manner.

With filtering you can quickly find certain filetypes, individual files or to see what files constitute the launch-data for package (files belonging to Feature Block 1 section of file).

Features as of now:SFTExplorer2

Load SFT files - even slightly broken ones

View internal filestructure, with regexp-based filtering

View virtual registry

View virtual services

Export files/folders from package's filestructure

Export registry entries from Virtual Registry

Virtualized System View for package

Resolve VFS mappingpaths to local directories


You can download the products from here! ........ I used the SoftGrid Package and injected into my infrastructure and is great! Top Tool!.

This tool is provided as freeware and as-is with no warranty. All rights reserved to Kalle Saunamaki. Redistribution without prior written permission prohibited.

Latest release:

SFT Explorer, version 1.0 - As MSI package

SFT Explorer, version 1.0 - As SoftGrid package

SFT Explorer, version 1.0 - As ZIP package
(revision history)

NOTE: MSI package not tested on Windows Vista and might require elevated rights to install!