The Virtual World Starts Today

So I wanted to finally kick of my ramblings on the strategies and developments of Microsoft and where we look to see the development of Virtualization moving towards in the future. It is also worth us adding that the views expressed in these blogs are ours only and do not form part of any other Microsoft employees or the company as a whole!

The last few months have shown some great leaps from Microsoft really trying to holme its skills in creating amazing virtualization products.

We are looking at 3 core strands to virtulization;

  1. Terminal Servers (
  2. Application Virtualization (
  3. Hardware Virtualization (

We are developing these environments faster and faster.

When we purchased Softgrid, Microsoft really stepped up to the plate and I am happy to say that we did the right thing at the right time!

We hope to discuss these matters in more depth over the upcoming years here! And give you the community all the knowledge you need to make our technologies work for you today!

Feel free to send up your input, problems and gripes!