Automate the Migration of your Azure Deployment Between Subscriptions

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Rob Waggoner


I’ve had a lot of partners ask if they can move an Azure environment from one subscription to another.  There are a lot of different reasons to do this, like:

  • Changing from an Azure Direct subscription to an Azure in Open subscription
  • Moving your infrastructure from one Azure Data Center to a different Azure Data Center
  • Consolidating two Azure tenants into one

You get my point?  There are plenty of reasons to move your workloads once they’ve been created, and we’ve released a tool that will assist in the Azure workload migrations.   It’s called the Azure Data Center Migration Solution (ADCMS) and its available for free.  Guy Bowerman, SR. Program Manager for Azure Compute Runtime, posted the blog here that talks more about ADCMS, how to install it, and even other tools that can assist you with your workload migrations.

Until next time,



Technorati Tags: Rob Waggoner,Migrate Azure tenant,move Azure VMs,move Azure infrastructure,Azure