Azure Partner OnRamp Blog Series – Part 2: Windows Azure Training Kit



Windows Azure Training Kit

The Windows Azure Training Kit includes hands-on labs, presentations, and samples to help you understand how to build applications that use Windows Azure services.

Please note: The hands-on labs in this kit require a Windows Azure account. If you do not have an account, you can sign up for a free trial now.

What is Windows Azure?

Windows Azure is an open and flexible cloud platform that enables you to quickly build, deploy and manage applications across a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters. You can build applications using any language, tool or framework. And you can integrate your public cloud applications with your existing IT environment.
Learn more

What's New in this Release?

The April 2013 update of the Windows Azure Training Kit includes new content on Windows Azure HDInsight as well as updates to Mobile Service, IT Pro content, IT Pro Agenda and updates to service presentations to include content on new features. The complete training kit now includes 52 hands-on labs, 26 demos and 39 presentations designed to help you learn how to build applications that use Windows Azure services:

April 2013 Content Updates:

  • New Presentation: Windows Azure Mobile Services and Android
  • New Lab: Windows Azure Mobile Services and Android
  • New Lab: Windows Azure Mobile Services and Windows Phone
  • New Presentation: Introduction to Windows Azure HDInsight Service
  • New Lab: Introduction to Windows Azure HDInsight
  • Updated ITPro Content + Agenda
  • Updated Presentations for new feature support Windows Azure Overview, Windows Azure Web Sites, Windows Azure Virtual Machines & Windows Azure Mobile Services.

There are 3 ways Partners can exercise their partners benefits for Windows Azure– MSDN Subscription, BizSpark, or Being a Member of the Partner Network (MPN). The information on exercising their rights start at this link, then select one of the 3 programs:

MPN Cloud Essentials Azure Offer-

Or you can start a free 90 day trial account -

Azure Offer