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Exchange Server Supportability Matrices–Exchange 2010 and 2013

Josh Condie Headshot

Josh Condie – One of the most valuable resources on the Microsoft public domain that I consistently have partners thank me for exposing to them is the Exchange Supportability Matrix.  These are condensed, single page charts providing all the details necessary for implementing a “supported” Exchange Server configuration.

Inclusive of the following:

  1. Lifecycle Dates
  2. Release Model for updates and hotfixes for each version
  3. Supported Operating Systems
  4. Supported AD Environments
  5. Web Browser Support for OWA and Admin
  6. Client Support
  7. Tools
  8. .Net Framework requirements
  9. MMC
  10. and, Installer requirements

Simple, but very valuable having it all in one place.  Enjoy!




Josh Condie