Windows Intune and 3rd party Anti-Virus Management

Q: (from several different partners recently)

Can Windows Intune manage my preferred AV tool?



From the Endpoint Protection section of the Windows Intune FAQ:

Can I use Windows Intune endpoint protection to replace my current antivirus software?

Yes, you can use Windows Intune to replace your current malware protection. This is the recommended approach, because it will give you access to the centralized malware protection policies and reporting of Windows Intune.

Can I run the endpoint protection concurrently with my current antivirus application?

If your current endpoint protection package is integrated with the Windows Security Center in Windows Vista or the Action Center in Windows 7, then the malware protection component of Windows Intune will disable itself and the status of the Security Center or Action Center will be reported to the Windows Intune console. You will still need to manage any third-party malware protection software's update and scanning policies as these cannot be controlled by Windows Intune.


SDeming Face  Steve


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