SBS Essentials Office 365 Integration Module goes into beta -

Bryan Von Axelson 2010


David Fabritius, Senior Product Manager from Windows Server and Cloud Marketing just posted on the SBS blog that the Office 365 Integration Module is available for download in beta form. Open-mouthed smile

The Office 365 Integration Module for Windows SBS 2011 Essentials extends the features of the server Dashboard by providing seamless integration with Office 365 services. Integrating Office 365 with SBS Essentials server, you can:

  • Subscribe to Office 365 or configure the server to use an existing subscription.
  • Perform the following Office 365 account management tasks from the Dashboard:
    • Bulk create Office 365 accounts for network user accounts.
    • Assign new or existing Office 365 accounts to network user accounts.
    • Manage the Office 365 account assigned to a user account throughout the lifecycle of the user account. For example, deactivating a network user account also deactivates the Office 365 account that is assigned to the user account.
  • Synchronize passwords for network user accounts and Office 365 accounts. This allows network users to sign in to Office 365 using their Windows password.
  • Link a professional Internet domain that you have set up on Window SBS to Office 365.
  • View information about your Office 365 subscription.
  • Access your Office 365 management portal from the Office 365 page of the server Dashboard.

*** Note - You can install and configure the Office 365 Integration Module at any time after completing the server installation.

If you are looking for some additional add-ins – Check out the Windows® 7 Professional Pack for Small Business Server 2011 and the Windows® Server Solutions Phone Connector Add-in to help provide a flexible, comprehensive, and powerful solution for small businesses.

SBS Essentials Office 365 #1


Technorati Tags: OIM,SBS Essentials and Office 365 Integration,Office 365 Add-in,Office 365 OIM