Microsoft Branded Marketing Material

Q: (from Michael)

I was following up on the conversation we had at the Intel event in Virginia about the marketing material.  Any help you could provide me on this would be greatly appreciated. We are registered as an OEM partner.


A: (with help from Vic Barakat)

As an OEM partner, have you looked at the OEM Sales Center?

From Vic Barakat:

We keep a store of POP materials at Some of the smaller items (flyers, etc.) are both customizable and free (add logo & offer, download and print), the bigger items are orderable for a fee that mostly covers cost. We have “kits”, we have individual items; we have promotional collateral, we have giveaways, etc. Pretty much everything we offer, we house there.


SDeming Face Steve


Technorati Tags: OEM Sales Center,Microsoft Marketing Material,OEM,Marketing Tags: OEM Sales Center,Microsoft Marketing Material,OEM,Marketing