In the hot seat: Jason Zander

Who is Jason Zander

I'm the corporate vice president for the development team of Windows Azure in the Server and Tools Business at Microsoft. I've worked on lots of products in twenty years at Microsoft with the unifying theme of building platforms and tools for developers to do great work. I love writing code! And I love working on a team where developing software and helping others build and deliver their own software is a core mission.

What will the interview cover?

When Jason Zander came over last year I got a chance to put together a series of interview questions and grill him about Visual Studio 2012.  At the time Jason was directing the Visual Studio team and since then he has gone on to head up Windows Azure.

In this interview we covered everything from key features to the process that the Visual Studio team take for software development and testing.  I even asked those awkward questions around how do developers feedback to the development team and get noticed!

Here’s what happened!

If you would like to find more about what Jason Zander is up to you can take a look at his blog and follow him on Twitter.

And remember to take up our latest offer!
