Dream of a future where children code and the future sparkles

We’ve decided to take things a little off topic this afternoon and all in the name of education and children.  Many of you reading TechNet UK are parents and may of you may not have heard of the Microsoft initiative called DreamSpark.  Microsoft are very much into getting children and students into software development and enabling them by providing the latest technology.  As a result Microsoft launched a project called DreamSpark.

So what is DreamSpark then… well in a nutshell, Microsoft DreamSpark is here to make software development more motivating, relevant, and engaging for today’s students, educators and institutions. It allows students to access professional-level development, design, and gaming software at no cost! From the basics e.g. KODU, to full on App development with Visual Studio.

Get your children using the latest technologies to stay ahead of the game!

Still not sure what it is? Check out our video of the basics from the perspective of students and faculty. (the one above)

To keep up to date on what Microsoft are doing with DreamSpark follow us on Facebook by ‘Liking’ our Microsoft UK Student page on Facebook, as we’ll be posting content all week.