Events: Windows Azure Tech.Days Online Conference - March

We’ve been putting a fair bit of Azure content up recently and following on with that theme I thought it would be good to share some upcoming free training events that may be of interest to you.  We will be running a series of lunchtime sessions from local UK experts where you can get up to speed and get your questions answered.

A couple of these events are more developer focused don’t be put off.  Many of you are more focused on the servers, architecture and ROI for these tools and as such there is an architect and business decision maker session that I thought might be relevant.  The other two events are for you to pass on to your developers in case they haven’t heard about the events already.

Tuesday, 20 March - A Newcomer’s Introduction to Windows Azure.

This free online event runs from 12.00 – 2.00pm and is suitable for a developer who is either new to Windows Azure or has not yet had any exposure to it.

Wednesday, 21 March - An Experienced Developer’s guide to Windows Azure.

This free online event runs from 12.00 – 2.00pm and is suitable for a developer who is experienced with Windows Azure. You have written and deployed some code but you’d like to now get a feel for what it’s like to actually deliver projects on this platform.

Thursday, 22nd March - An Architect & Business Decision-Maker’s guide to Windows Azure.

This free online event runs from 12.00 – 2.00pm and is a “warts and all” event where there are 2 case studies of organisations who have made the move to a Windows Azure Platform

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