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Install Standalone CA (Certificate Authority) on Windows Server 2012 R2 for use with Operations Manager

After looking around a bit I couldn’t find a decent tutorial that addressed this specific scenario (not one that demonstrated Powershell anyway). I ended up writing this for a client who didn’t have their PKI infrastructure sorted out yet. I prefer to use Powershell as it is much faster and efficient for these steps. (Just my opinion.)

Open Powershell console as an administrator. Follow the screenshots. Few words are needed for this tutorial.

Useful commands:

Get-WindowsFeature *ad*  #This will show you the currently installed features

Add-WindowsFeature ADCS-Cert-Authority


After the Certification Authority is installed, you must configure it from the Server Manager console.


There is NO NEED TO MODIFY THE DEFAULT NAME HERE. However, I don’t think it matters much if you do.


Install these features:

  • Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service
  • Certification Authority Web Enrollment

# Install both features with one command

Add-WindowsFeature ADCS-Enroll-Web-Pol, ADCS-Web-Enrollment

Add the management tool with this command:

Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADCS-Mgmt


Now you must configure the services.

Select the certificate that you just created from the list, then click Next.

When accessing the web cert enrollment portal add your CA’s server address to the Trusted Sites.

It’s best if you use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as shown in the picture below.

Make sure you configure the AIA and CLR extensions in the Certification Authority tool as shown in the screenshots below. This tool is accessed from the Server Manager console and should have been installed with the Powershell command above.

clip_image046 clip_image048

Make sure you configure the auto-enroll option as shown below:


Test the enrollment page

This is what you should see.




Related: Certificate Request from Standalone CA Certificate Authority for Operations Manager, SCOM 2012/R2