Tweeting Habits of the IT Pro

Following on the earlier post asking you all what you thought about Twitter, I find this interesting TechCrunch post that indicates the tweetosphere is another attack surface you've got to monitor in the sense that it is serving some as an early-warning system for customer-sat issues.

A Tweet Scan on "TechNet" of a few minutes ago shows 30 some-odd tweets, including some actionable ones:

Dear Microsoft: You can detect that I'm running Server 2003 on Technet. Stop asking me to install the silverlight beta. This is a server. (2008-03-31 14:27:08)

Amazed that Microsoft have not heard of tinyurl (etc.) as a newsletter has a 6-line URL in the latest TechNet newsletter (2008-04-09 08:25:04)

TechNet Poo-bahs - Are you listening?