SCVMM Can Manage 64-bit Hosts

More updates queued up for the System Center Virtual Machine Manager Beta 1 FAQ, your feedback is welcome.

Q: Does Virtual Machine Manager Beta 1 support 64-bit?

A: Yes. VMM can manage 32-bit and 64-bit Virtual Server hosts. However, in Beta 1 the computer on which you install the VMM server must be 32-bit Windows Server 2003 R2.

Q: Can I use Systems Center Virtual Machine Manager Beta 1 to manage Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 Beta hosts?

A: Yes, System Center Virtual Machine Manager Beta 1 has been tested and confirmed to work with Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 beta hosts.

Q: Can I manage hosts running Windows Server 2003 SP1?

A: Yes. However the VMM agent needs the WS-Man component installed on the host to communicate with the VMM Server. Therefore if your hosts are running Win2K3 SP1, download and install the appropriate installer for WS-man (x86 or AMD64) from the website.

Q: Do I need to install WS-man on hosts running Windows Server 2003 R2?

A: No. WS-man is already included in Windows Server 2003 R2. However, it is not enabled by default. You must enable it according to the instructions in the Getting Started Guide.