Back to School: Try OneNote 2003 FREE

As your kids head back to school check out the free trial of OneNote2003. If your kids don't want to try it, suggest that their teachers give it a try. I came from an Education IT background, tech-savvy teachers WILL thank you. There appears to be no reason you cannot order one for your favorite teacher - save them some time.

Oh, and, go here to order your free copy of Microsoft Student 2006.

Finally, pass the info below on to the computer lab person at your school, also free, they will thank you.

The Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP is a new set of software tools and documentation that helps make it easy for anyone, regardless of their IT background, to set up, safeguard, and manage shared computers running Windows XP. Specifically, it helps operators create restricted local user profiles, defend shared computers against unauthorized changes to the hard disk, and enhance the user experience. The Shared Computer Toolkit is an add-on to Windows XP and is available for download.