Tools 2 Use - Do You LUA?

If you have not read Jen's article on LUA, you should be asking yourself why not?

This article briefly discussed the security principle of least privilege and the benefits of using LUA for daily tasks, followed by a short list of reasons why most Windows users continue to use administrator accounts anyway. It wrapped up with a call to readers to take the plunge and add an extra layer of security to their existing systems by using LUA for daily tasks.

Contact with any LUA questions you may have or if you encounter a serious problem while running as LUA that cannot be resolved even when best practices have been followed and all available workarounds have been tried. Your feedback helps Microsoft gain a deeper understanding of your pain points, which, in turn, will help us determine whether the current plans for the LUA experience meet our users' actual needs.

After you've read that, you may be interested in these:

new Non-Admin Wiki that was just launched by Jonathan Hardwick

Larry Osterman's Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet post

TechNet Webcast: Phishers, Spammers and Scammers: Criminals of the Internet (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: Defense in Depth Against Malicious Software (Level 200)

TechNet Webcast: Tools and Techniques for Securing the Desktop (Level 200)

This Aaron Margosis post has great advice and how tos on steps you can take to help your friends and family avoid Virus, Spam, and MALware. 

Managing Power Options as a Non-Administrator

Remembering Calculator and Character Map Settings

Ctrl-C Doesn't Work in RUNAS or MakeMeAdmin Command Shells

Changing the System Date, Time and/or Time Zone