New Online Column: Sustainable Computing

It seems every company is talking about how they are being green, environmental, sustainable. And as the environment and energy consumption become topics of increasing attention, IT is being called out as being, well, not very environmental. And it's true. IT environments consume large amounts of energy and contributor a lot of waste. They face over provisioning, underutilized equipment, poor user practices and policies, inefficient hardware—the list goes on.

This means that IT can play a key role in your organization's environmental efforts. Every organization needs a solid sustainable computing strategy, and this requires IT professionals with knowledge, ready to lead and evangelize change.  This, in turn, creates a great opportunity for you to drive change and become an environmental leader in your company.

The topic is vast and constantly changing. And your strategy is something you should be thinking about every day. So TechNet Magazine is kicking off a new online column to explore the issues, solutions, and strategies that make up environmental and sustainable computing. Check out the first three installments of our "Sustainable Computing" column to get and stay up to speed on all the environmental and sustainable computing issues.

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