Windows PowerShell: Working without a Script

Are you waiting to learn Windows PowerShell because you just don't have time to learn scripting right now? You may be surprised to learn that you can do some truly amazing things using Windows PowerShell without writing a lick of code.

In the October 2007 issue of TechNet Magazine, Don Jones demonstrates how you can use Windows PowerShell to accomplish some powerful management tasks without doing any scripting.

Using Windows PowerShell

Don also highlights, as his cmdlet of the month, using Get-Content cmdlet options that take it beyond merely reading the contents of a file.

There's lots more coverage of scripting and Windows PowerShell in TechNet Magazine every month, so subscribe to our RSS feeds and stay up to date.

For more information about Windows PowerShell, check out Scripting with Windows PowerShell in the TechNet Script Center, as well as the Windows PowerShell Team Blog.

Happy scripting!

Technorati Tags: Windows PowerShell, scripting, cmdlet